Giving Thanks

On this post I would like to give thanks for being home with my family.  Something that so many people take for granted.  The little things in life.

  • Waking up in your own bed.
  • Sitting in your pajamas and having that first cup of coffee.
  • If you are hungry, going into the kitchen to make something to eat.
  • Take a shower then be able to pick out whatever you would like to wear for the day.

These are just a couple of examples of things that I will never take for granted again in my life.

When I was living in the hospital with my daughter Lauren, I could not do that.  When I would wake up in the morning (from a disturbed sleep from all the nurses and Dr.’s coming in and out all night), from my couch that was my bed, I had to go into my suitcase and pick out what outfit to wear.  Slim pickings, so many days I would have to wear the same cloths.  Depending on what was going on for that day, a shower would be in question.  So a lot of the times it meant a sponge bath to make myself feel human and presentable.  Then it was “I need a coffee”.  Get money.  Walk down to the cafeteria, make my coffee wait in a long line to pay, now I can sit with all the hassle and bustle of all the hospital employees going on about their day ahead.  So relaxing, NOT.  Living in a hospital is very expensive, so I would pass on breakfast and wait until around 2p.m. to eat.    Most of the time I would snack on crackers, that was on the hospital floor. To be able to have a meal, it meant going back to the cafeteria, walk around to see what they were serving.  Most of the time I would opt for a salad, it was a make your own.  When you got and pay they would weigh it, so I would get a salad and a drink we are looking at about $10.00.

Theses memories are so real.  I will never forget that way of life.  This went on for almost a year and a half.  As I am writing this, so so many people are living that life right now.  Family members that are living in the hospital with their loved ones.  Someone is waking up, packing up their bedding and probably saying to themselves,” I can’t do this another day”.  Then you look at your loved one laying in the hospital bed, hooked up to machines and you say to yourself “Yes I can”.

To everyone living in a hospital, you are not alone.  I feel your pain, your frustration.  I was blessed and I am home now with my daughter.  My prayers are going out to you for the strength you need to go one more day. One day at a time.

If you need to vent to talk, please contact me.  I can relate to your situation.

Lynne  1437940979_love_valentines_day_11

Spoke to soon yesterday, problems with medication

Yesterday, was how can I say was stressful.  Apparently the medication that was given to Lauren for her pneumonia did have an interaction with her other meds.  Lauren was very sick during the night, throwing up after taking the second dose.  There is a big lesson here.

I let me guard down.  Over the years I have learned, Dr’s. are not always right.  The quote “medicine is a science”, keeps popping into my head.  What works for one person doesn’t always work for the next person.  Everyone is different.  Yes, you need to trust your Dr., but there is nothing wrong with questioning their decision.  Before Lauren took the antibiotic that was subscribed to her, I should have done a little more homework on the medication first.  After doing so, I found that it interacts with a couple of her medications that she is presently on.  One being one of her rejection meds.  Not good.

These are the medications that Lauren takes every day, so keeping track of them could be like a full-time job.  When a new medication is introduced into the list, homework is a must.


Lauren has Dr.’s here in Chicopee and also in Boston.  So yesterday, we had them do a conference call to each other to decide what is the best solution on how combat the right medication to clear up the pneumonia.  The whole time in the back of my mind I kept saying (please, no admission in the hospital).   The decision was made, they prescribed her prednisone. Prednisone is a corticosteroid. It prevents the release of substances in the body that cause inflammation. It also suppresses the immune system.    Lauren was on that medication at the beginning after her transplant, so I knew that it would not interact with any of her other meds.  Prednisone is a very strong steroid.  They only prescribed it for 3 day.  It has some strong side effects.  One to mention is shakes.  So the sooner Lauren is done with it the better.

Now this is important, I need to share.

When we were speaking with her Dr. here in Chicopee yesterday morning, explaining how Lauren felt, and after I looked up interaction with the medication they prescribed this is what the Dr. said to us.  “What pharmacy did you go to, it should have come up in their system with all the medication you take”.  It was told to us, it is a two point system.  First one is what a Dr. prescribes, then the pharmacist is the second to check if this should be prescribed.  I guess it is a good system, but before taking any new medication, you should personally question everything.  Inside I feel like I let my daughter down.  Between the two of us, this will never happen again, God willing.

When you are prescribed any type of medication from your Dr., question it.  What works for one person may not work for you.  We are all individuals, no two people are alike.  Here’s another quick tip.  When you go to the Dr’s., they are on a time schedule by law.  For an office appointments they are only scheduled 15 minutes per patient.  That is what the insurance companies allow.  Don’t let a Dr. rush you if you have questions.  The insurance companies dictate to the medical community to some point how to run their practice.  Don’t let them rush you out if you feel confused or if you have questions.  Remember you are the important person in that room.  It’s all about you. Get the right facts and information.

Lynne  1437940979_love_valentines_day_11

Lauren has Pneumonia, no hospital stay

The last couple of weeks, Lauren has had a cough that was not getting any better.  Every time Lauren doesn’t feel good, I go into panic mode.  Flash backs are so real.  These feeling are so real.  Not sure if I could live through this image again.  Lauren is not in the hospital, but this is what I see in my mind, when I think about Lauren when she doesn’t feel well.

mom 1226

Lauren’s immune system is compromised from the heart transplant.  She needs to be very careful of any sickness that is going around.  With all the sanitation and Lysol I use in our house, I cannot kill all the germs.  Impossible to say the least.  Life is around us.

Many germs can cause pneumonia. The most common are bacteria and viruses in the air we breathe. Your body usually prevents these germs from infecting your lungs. But sometimes these germs can overpower your immune system, even if your health is generally good.

On Monday, Lauren went to her doctor.  After her exam, they sent her to the hospital for a chest X-ray.  The X-ray showed she has pneumonia.  Thank the Lord, the Dr.’s said we caught it early.  No hospital stay, they put Lauren on Zithromax Z-Pak.  So the next week, I am praying the medication works and takes care of her lungs.

With cold and flu season here, please be mindful of your surroundings.  Germs spread everywhere.


Two Historical Dates

What is going on in this world?

We now live in such a different world than our parents lived in,  with all the technology we have, is the world really a better place?

The USA was attacked on 9-11.  Paris was attacked on 11-13

Those two dates are important to everyone now, but they were always important dates in my family.  My birthday is 9-11 and my son, Michael’s birthday is 11-13.  What are the chances.


Our hearts go out to all the families that lost loved ones on those dates.

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Trip to Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Off to Fort Lauderdale Florida.  Lauren, my husband Dean and I set off to Florida to surprise my sister for her birthday.  Traveling with Lauren, you never know what she is going to do.  She is such a charmer.  We had our own TSA officer, he help us through security, but also he came to the gate to make sure she got on the plane safely.  Everyone she meets she always asks “Are you an organ donor”.  Lauren’s quest in life is to make everyone whom she comes into contact with is or will become a donor.


After arriving in Florida, guess where we went.  Yes the bar to relax and have lunch.  We stayed at  Ocean Manor on the beach.  To anyone traveling to Fort Lauderdale Florida, I highly recommend this Hotel, a must go to.  The only hotel with a Tiki bar on the beach.


My sister had no idea we were there.  I called her up and asked her what she was doing.  She told me really nothing, so I said to her “want to have lunch”.  Lauren was so surprised when I told her we were in Florida.  She started to cry on the phone.  I told her I wasn’t going to miss my little sister’s big 50 birthday.


How can life get any better?  


My mother arranged a surprise party for my sister at the Hotel we were all staying at.


You cherish moments like this.  We all live in different states, but we are now really making efforts to be together when ever we can.  Love my sisters and my mother.


Lauren with her cousin’s and my two beautiful nieces, Sarah and Jess.  Throughout the years, even though we do not live close, they stay close.


l feel so blessed that we had this opportunity to make this happen.


I took this picture from my balcony having my coffee in the morning.  As I sat there, I though thank you Lord for giving our family time together.  The past couple of years has been tough on our family.  We lost a very special person, my step dad Jerry.  He was, you can say the rock of the family.  My mother’s partner in life.  There is not one day that I do not think of him.  I know he is watching over all of us.  To be honest when I feel confused on something I think what would Jerry say.  He was a very smart and sensible person.

Then when Lauren became sick, we lived day-to-day, never knowing if we had tomorrow.  Life throws you so many different emotions.  All I can say is live your life today.  If you have an opportunity to do something, go for it.  If you feel like dancing, it doesn’t matter where you are just do it.


Moment’s like this just happen.  Addison sitting on the beach with her Auntie Donna.  Pull up a boogie board, grab a drink and enjoy the day.


Make new friends.


Life is always changing, just like the tide.  Beautiful and always changing.


Can’t wait for our next adventure………….

 Lynne 1437940979_love_valentines_day_11