Writing from the Heart



​     I would like to thank the Chicopee Register for such a beautiful article they wrote on my book,
“Strength in a Heartbeat“, Diary of a Heart Transplant.  Thank you Chance Viles writer of the article.
Strength in a Heartbeat, is a journal I kept when my daughter Lauren Meizo was placed on the heart transplant list, living our lives in the hospital.  I am sharing our story in hopes of helping other families living in the same situation we were in.  Living in a hospital is hard, very hard, and lonely.  I want other families to know they are not alone.  I have created a Facebook page; Strength in a Heartbeat, a forum for families to  communicate with each other waiting and also to those who have lived it.  We all need a support system, I am hoping this will become one.
I know I am not the only one who could say this:

I have slept in a hospital chair, window sills and couches.  Skipped meals and cried from fear.  I have become an expert on my child’s condition.  I am a strong advocate that had to make life-changing decisions.         Lynne
​To purchase your copy, please click on book, selling on amazon and createspace
